
You Can Keep Your House Cool With These 7 Techniques

A home that is too hot for comfort can cause a myriad of problems. Work is much harder to complete, whether it’s schoolwork, work from your job, or tasks that need doing around the home like cooking, cleaning, and maintenance. It’s tough to concentrate and enjoy the present moment, even if wonderful family memories could be being made. Too much heat puts people in an impatient state creating tensions or even conflict in relationships where there doesn’t need to be any.

Moreover, too much heat can be really bad for your health and the health of your pets. The following will explore a few things that you can do to help keep your home cool.

Cooling Device Maintenance

If you have cooling devices or systems like portable air conditioning units, fans, or air conditioning systems, yet your home is still sweltering, you might want to have these items looked at. Sometimes filters need to be cleaned; other times, you need to top up your aircon gas; little maintenance steps can not only prolong the life of your cooling devices, but they can also help increase their efficiency saving you money as they don’t need to be left on for so long. Pay special attention to any unusual or unpleasant scents coming from cooling devices.

Your body interprets a smell as bad when the air contains something that isn’t good for you to breathe in. Never ignore poor scents or cover them with fragrance for this reason. Get all smelly devices cleaned and if that doesn’t help, have a professional take a look.

Learn The Signs Of Heat Stroke

Before diving into ways to cool down the house, it’s important to be sure that you understand the signs of heatstroke. When the body overheats to a degree that is dangerous for health, this is called heat stroke; a high body temperature (104 F or 40 C or higher), headache, altered mental state including confusion, delirium, agitation, irritability, seizures, and slurred speech) racing heart, altered sweating, rapid breathing, nausea, vomiting, or flushed skin.

If you or someone in your household are experiencing these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately and take aggressive steps to cool the person down. Cool water or frozen items from the freezer pressed against the head, neck, armpits, or groin can help. The symptoms of heatstroke in pets are very similar to the above but also include excessive panting and dry or sticky gums or changes in gum color as a result of bruising.

Cover Up Windows During The Day

The sun streaming through the windows can turn a room into a sauna. To mitigate this, be sure to close blinds or curtains during the hottest and sunniest portions of the day. If it’s raining or night time, you can open them up without too much to worry about.

Heat Reducing Film

Given that nearly 30 percent of ambient heat entering your home comes through the windows, taking steps to slow or reverse this process can be incredibly helpful. There are heat-reducing films you can apply to your windows that reflect heat out. Simply follow the instructions on the packaging. It’s worth noting that if it’s properly installed (which requires a little patience), you shouldn’t be able to see that the film is there.

Work With Nature

This step can take some time, but it can make a huge difference over the course of years. Planting shade-creating trees, bushes, and foliage around your home can help prevent heat from seeping through the windows and roof. Trees can be a little tricky to care for in their youth, but they can offer so much reward later on that they’re well worth it.

Cook Outside

Cooking in a home that’s already too hot for comfort is a recipe for misery. Ovens and stovetops add a ton of heat to your space, and this means that on the hottest days, you might want to cook outside. Grilling is a popular option, but open-fire cooking can also create some delicious meals. While you’re at it, use any appliances that create heat in the evening. Depending on the model you have, you might find your dryer creates a lot of heat, for instance.

Open Windows At Night

Once the sun has set, open up your windows to let cool air move through the house. If it’s buggy where you live, you’ll want to make sure you’ve got some solid screens in place first to help prevent insect troubles.

The above tips should help you keep your home cool this summer. It’s important to note that while extreme cold is a luxury, staying at the right temperature for your body to function is a need that cannot be ignored without risks to your health, happiness, and work.

Written by Simpson

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