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20 Project Management to Make the Most of a Small Kitchen Space

18. The Instagrammable Pegboard Wall idea from the Concept store

First, you’ll need a pegboard and hooks, easily found at any home improvement store (estimated cost: $50). Attach the pegboard to your wall, then arrange hooks to hang pots, pans, utensils, you name it!
Detail: The Instagrammable Pegboard Wall idea from the Concept store

17. The Hanging Pot Rack from Iron Pipe

A hanging pot rack can turn your pots and pans into a piece of art. Yes, it can be a struggle to find the right spot that doesn’t risk a pot-induced concussion, but the result can be worth it and should be best if combined with the following idea.


You’ll feel like a culinary Houdini whenever you make your kitchen vanish in this Greenwich Village apartment.

With the swish and flick of some door panels, your kitchen blends into the background, leaving you with a room that’s as open and more usable without the constant reminder of those dirty dishes you’ve been meaning to tackle.

But hold on; there’s a pinch of cons we need to whisk in. Integrating several door panels around the kitchen requires planning and complicated installations. In our author’s case are 15 feet tall. You might feel like you’re scaling Mount Everest while trying to reach the top!

Written by Simpson

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