How to clean your closet: 10-step plan to wardrobe wonder

WHAT EVERY WOMAN NEEDS: How to cleanse your closet

TRADITIONALLY, spring cleaning is done at the start of spring. But it shouldn’t just be the house that gets cleaned from top to toe. This is the perfect time for women to clean their closet.

Ideally you should be squirrelling away one season’s clothes while preparing another for the next. But take it from me: You don’t need a change of season to clean your closet. The new year is also a great time to cleanse your closet, as is starting a new job or moving house — or even if it’s just to create some space. Frankly, any excuse will do.

Cleaning your closet is also a great opportunity to discard the unworn (buying mistakes), the unloved (out-of-date) or just plain unwearable (no longer fit, faded or are worn out). But throwing out clothes is never easy however it can be a strangely liberating experience. 

We cling to certain things for emotional reasons but the more clothes we have, the more we have to move, organise or store. Therefore, reducing your choices will provide you with a better edited and more functional wardrobe. But, if you’re having separation anxieties, remember that if a garment makes you look dumpy, frumpy or ordinary, it doesn’t deserve the wardrobe space.


Before you start, you need to be very clear about the clothes you need for the style you want. That way you’ll end up with a fresher, more versatile and better-edited wardrobe.

The secret is to get organised. But if you haven’t done this in a while, it may take longer than a weekend. So be realistic and set yourself some goals. Maybe just do the hanging wardrobe clothes first. Then tackle your drawers and dressers. 

Regardless, heres my 10-step plan to take your wardrobe from “disaster to a dream” this weekend.

1: Sort

Start by organising your wardrobe into two groups — winter and summer. Find a large space that’s free of clutter so you can spread out everything. A spare bedroom is a great place to start.

2: Store

Next, you need to store your out-of-season clothes.

But before you do that, first, make sure all food and beverage stains are thoroughly removed before storing. Because effective cleaning discourages moth and silverfish infestations. Second, take the time to mend anything that needs fixing.

Once cleaned and mended, keep clothing dry in boxes, calico bags or vacuum-packed space bags from Lifespace, Howards Storage World or eBay. Store with special insect repellant products, such as cedar balls or blocks, to keep those pesky insects at bay. The balls will last for years. Simply re-spray each season with cedar oil.

3: Rationalise

Now you’re ready to take stock of the clothing that’s left.

Next, create a YES, NO and MAYBE pile and start rationalising.

It’s time to discard the unworn (buying mistakes), the unloved (out-of-date) or just plain unwearable (no longer fit, faded or are worn out). But if you have the slightest doubt about something, try it on. Experiment with new combinations to see if you can get any extra wear out of them. Then ask: Does it fit? Does it flatter? Is it functional? Is it fabulous? But if you’re not sure about certain garments, enlist the help of someone whose opinion you trust — a best girlfriend, sister, daughter or your partner!

If any garment fails all four “F” questions, it goes into the NO pile. And be realistic and purge any trend-driven styles of seasons past. Hopefully, some things will make the YES and MAYBE piles.

Once you’ve finished sorting, look for trends. See what dominates in the NO pile? Items you bought on sale or on impulse? Are there lots of YES items from the same store? The evidence in front of you should help you make smarter choices in the future.

4: Recycle

Once you’ve settled on the clothes in the NO pile, you need to get rid of them.

Take them to your local charity shop, organise a table at your local market, have a garage sale, or, if garments are still relatively new and in good condition, take them to a recycle or consignment shop or sell on eBay.

5: Refresh

Next, you need to look at the clothes in the MAYBE pile. Maybe they just need freshening up with a little clever and creative reimagining.

It’s amazing what a simple change such as changing buttons, altering the length or shape of a favourite skirt, dress or pants, or embellishing the collar or yoke of a favourite top can make. If you aren’t handy with a needle and thread or don’t have a sewing machine, find a good alterations person and make them your new best friend.

6: Rethink

Sometimes you need to take those blinkers off and think outside the fashion square and take some risks!

That elegant top or skirt you save for special occasions could look just as good during the day or dressed down with jeans. Just as the pants or skirt of your favourite work suit may create an elegant evening look when worn with a sequinned top, smart evening clutch and sexy heels.

You will be amazed at the different ways you can wear things if you just let your creative juices flow! To get inspiration, refer to magazines for inspiration.

7: Reposition

With your newly sorted wardrobe, now all you have to do is hang your clothes according to type.

For example, hang your shirts together, dresses together, evening wear together, and jacket and suits together. Or maybe you’d prefer to hang everything according to colour — lights through to darks. Personally, I prefer to keep my garments in types.

Not only will that make for easier selection and viewing, but you’ll know exactly where everything is.

8: Replace

Banish mismatching and wire hangers forever.

Instead use wooden hangers and satin-covered padded hangers for delicate fabrics. Look for a selection of suit hangers, hangers with notches, non-slip styles, and pant and skirt hangers with clips from Ikea, My CoathangersHowards Storage World and Shop for Shops

9: Rearrange

Next, divide and conquer your smalls and accessories.

A selection of coordinating organisers and containers are perfect for storing smalls — underwear, socks, hosiery, scarves and belts — and accessories. Look for special dividers or separators for drawers and shelves at Ikea, Lifespace or My Storage Shop.

Have you ever lost your earrings and jumble of necklaces in the vortex of accessories hell?

Consider putting them in a see-through acrylic chest, stackable trays or on those special hanging “trees” for necklaces. Alternatively, convert drawers into jewellery boxes with clever inserts from Organize It or Ikea.

10: Refocus

A carefully curated and beautifully displayed wardrobe is what every woman needs — and dreams of! With your seasonally adjusted wardrobe, you can now focus on more important issues such as the clothes you really need for the style you really want!

Now it’s time to go shopping … but before you do, plan your new season wardrobe and read my 10 rules of retail therapy.



Now that you’ve cleaned your closet, its important you have the essential equipment to complete the experience.

Heres what every woman needs in her dressing room or bedroom:

  1. Good light
  2. Full-length mirror
  3. The right hangers
  4. A selection of boxes, baskets and containers for smalls and accessories
  5. Plenty of drawers and shelf space for folded garments
  6. Space for shoes: Consider storing in dedicated hanging shoe organisers, in a large closet drawer, their original boxes, or in or special clear boxes such as these from Pink Lily
  7. Basket or laundry tidy for dirty clothes
  8. Foldaway step stool to reach top shelves



  • DO use drawer liners to keep your garments smelling fresh
  • DO use lavender bags among your knitwear
  • DO pile jumpers in short stacks of three. Any more and the pile will be forever tumbling over
  • DO keep things that are “everyday wear” in easy reach at the front of your wardrobe
  • DON’T store out-of-season items in the wardrobe. Store them in a cool, dry place under the bed or another room
  • DON’T forget the back of the wardrobe door. There’s room for hooks or hanging organisers
  • DON’T hang belts from a single hook or hanger. Coil them up and put them in a drawer, a box or on a shelf for visibility
  • DON’T drop your clothes on the floor. Hang them up, put them away or put them in the laundry basket.

And if you want further inspiration, go to my Dream Closets board on Pinterest

Do you need help to rationalise your wardrobe? Not sure what to keep or throw out? Got any tips or hints for cleaning your closet? Would love to hear from you. Ever stylishly yours …

Picture: Ikea


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  1. October 2 / 7:33 pm

    Great post!!

    I love that picture, exactly the sort of thing I want to do for my room :)

    Elle P


  2. October 2 / 8:52 pm

    Hey Elle,
    Glad you enjoyed the post! Yes we all dream of having the perfect closet … or an extra room just for a walk-in wardrobe!!! Happy cleansing!