Store More with These Behind-the-Door Storage Ideas

Use this wasted space to add more storage to any room in your home.

Back of door storage in kitchen
Photo: Jay Wilde

Every square inch counts when you need more storage—but you don't have to build a fancy closet system or buy high-end accessories to meet your needs. Here's how to create behind-the-door storage for closets or cabinet doors. Follow our tips for using doors to add more storage without taking up space.

01 of 15

Double Closet Capacity

home close organization with storage bins
Granen Photography Inc

If you think your closet is already as full as possible, reconsider. Behind-the-door storage can boost capacity and help keep small items like crafting supplies organized and easily accessible. Consider hanging an over-the-door shoe organizer and filling the pockets with loose supplies like markers, paintbrushes, scissors, and more. Label each pocket with a tag to keep everything straight.

Editor's Tip

Do not drill into hollow-core doors to hang storage. Instead, opt for over-the-door or self-adhesive solutions.

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Maximize Your Entry

Closet with red canvas hanging organizers
Richard Leo Johnson

Behind-the-door storage can help maximize a tight space, so it's ideal for small entryways that lack a mudroom or large closet area. Outfit the back of a closet door with hanging organizers to store items you'll need on your way out the door, from keys to sunglasses. You can also make this storage solution function as a family command center by designating pockets for incoming or outgoing mail, important papers, and school projects.

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Create a Gift Wrap Station

Closet door with hanging storage racks
Marshall Johnson

Store gift-wrapping supplies in a handy spot, like the back of an office or bedroom door. An over-the-door wire rack with multiple compartments works well for items of various sizes and shapes. Stash large items, like gift wrapping and boxes, directly in the baskets, but put smaller items, like tape, tags, and scissors, in clear jars or containers.

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Add Kitchen Pantry Storage

Back of door storage in kitchen
Jay Wilde

Keeping your food and kitchen staples organized can feel like a never-ending task, especially in space-challenged kitchens. Here, hardworking behind-the-door storage works for frequently used items, thanks to a behind-the-door wire organizer. A tall, adjustable shelf rod holds wire baskets of varying sizes to store spices, canned goods, dry ingredients, and snacks.

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Divide and Label Baskets

Back of door storage snacks
Jay Wilde/The Wilde Project

One of the easiest ways to prevent a small storage space from getting jumbled is to divide storage by function. Add storage labels for an organizing solution that's both pretty and functional. Here, a folded piece of patterned paper with printed-on words loops around the wires in the basket. It's secured with a plastic grommet.

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Use Open Storage

Back of door storage paper bags
Jay Wilde/The Wilde Project

Repurpose office supplies as inexpensive organizers for a behind-the-door storage solution. When mounted on the back of the pantry door, a transparent plastic magazine holder provides an easily accessible way to store a collection of reusable paper bags. Attach the caddy to the door using either a very slim screw or adhesive tacks.

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Create Flexibility

Back of door storage adjustable bracket spices
Jay Wilde/The Wilde Project

Before purchasing behind-the-door storage, be sure it fits when the door is shut. Measure the clearance on the door's closure, the top doorjamb, and between the door and the floor. This slim-lined adjustable rod has just enough space to secure the main bracket to the door's top. Sturdy hooks help secure baskets and allow for flexibility if the storage needs to change.

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Add Hidden Craft Storage

Items organize on closet door
Jay Wilde/The Wilde Project

Crafting supplies are often relegated to a bottom drawer or a catch-all storage container. But the back of a storage or coat closet door can provide a much more accessible spot to store items like notebooks and wrapping paper. Here, a small pegboard panel features hooks and containers to organize scissors, pencils, envelopes, and other craft supplies.

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Try Clear Holders

Back of door storage notebooks
Jay Wilde/The Wilde Project

Mount clear file holders for behind-the-door storage to keep frequently used items in plain view. This helps you take stock of what you have and ensures those items aren't lost or forgotten. To keep supplies separated, attach labels to the baskets, bins, and other organizational tools and sort items accordingly.

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Repurpose Other Items as Storage

Back of door storage wrapping paper
Jay Wilde/The Wilde Project

Tall, slender rolls of wrapping paper can be a challenge to store. This clever solution makes use of an ordinary trash can and strips of elastic. Attach the trashcan to the back of the door using hooks or heavy-duty adhesive and place the wrapping paper inside. To hold the rolls in place, cut the elastic into strips and crisscross them, securing the ends of the bands with colorful push pins.

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Keep Essentials Easy to Reach

Back of door storage tape
Jay Wilde/The Wilde Project

Hardware and home improvement stores are excellent sources for household items that easily transform into clever organizers. When turned on its side, a simple toilet paper holder works to hold rolls of patterned tape. A nearby dry-erase board provides a convenient spot for lists, reminders, and to-dos.

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Add Behind-the-Door Storage for Clothes

Yellow closet door with hanging objects
Jay Wilde/The Wilde Project

When expanding your closet isn't an option, look to behind-the-door storage for additional space. A few extras and an hour or two of installation time can transform the behind-the-door area into a wardrobe planning station. An over-the-door hook offers a spot for hanging a complete outfit.

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Keep Favorites Close at Hand

Back of door storage cosmetics
Jay Wilde/The Wilde Project

Store items you use daily, like cosmetics, in an easy-to-reach spot. Clear stick-on organizers adhere to the back of the door to keep favorite lipsticks and glosses accessible. The divided compartments also make them ideal for storing makeup brushes or barrettes.

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Include Plenty of Day-to-Day Storage

Back of door storage necklaces
Jay Wilde/The Wilde Project

Clear off the top of your dresser and store jewelry behind the door instead. Multiple pegs offer plenty of spots for bracelets and necklaces to keep pieces tangle-free. Place back-of-the-door storage high enough off the floor to keep jewelry from dragging.

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Maximize Flexibility

Back of door storage shoes and sunglasses
Jay Wilde

Modular units allow you to customize your door storage to fit your organizing needs (and change it up when necessary). A hanging bar with hooks of various sizes offers a smart way to store shoes or lay out a pair for the next day. Add other organizers, like a small hanging bucket, to hold grab-and-go accessories so all your outfit essentials are on hand.

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