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Creating and decorating your own cigar box purse can be an easy and relatively inexpensive project. Cigar box purses can be functional or decorative, and you can make one in a few hours,, making it a fun project for adults and children alike. By following a few steps, you can soon have your own cigar box purse.

  1. While unfinished cigar boxes can be bought from many craft stores, you may be able to find them for free by asking at cigar stores, liquor stores, bars, or any place else that sells cigars. Make sure the box is not warped or damaged.
    • Use only wooden cigar boxes or other wooden craft boxes, which are available at most craft stores, some discount or hardware stores, or from online craft sites. Do not use cardboard cigar boxes, as these will not work well for this project.
  2. Some cigar boxes may have stickers or labels; the glue can be removed with a clean cloth and nail polish remover. Fine-grade sandpaper, available at your local craft or hardware store, can smooth out any rough spots or remove any glue residue. Finally, coat the outside with polyurethane (available in aerosol spray or liquid form) and let it dry thoroughly.
  3. These will add a nice decorative touch and add stability to the purse, particularly if you plan on using it as a functional purse.
  4. You can purchase different types of purse handles from most craft stores, but you can also use drawer pulls or a small length of chain (available from craft or hardware stores) to create a regular or shoulder-length handle.
    • For a chain handle, you will need to attach 2 eyelet hooks to the box (you should be able to screw these in by hand) and attach the chain with pliers by bending one of the links slightly to slip it through the eyelet.
  5. Clasps and different metal closures can be purchased from a craft or hardware store; you might want a sturdier clasp if you plan to use the purse as more than a decorative item.
  6. Your cigar box purse can be as simple or as ornate as you like, so it's useful to gather some ideas before you begin decorating.
    • You can use anything from favorite photos or pictures to jewelry, beads, or buttons to decorate your cigar box purse. You can either purchase decorative items from your local craft store or use what you have already have handy for decorations your cigar box purse.
    • A decorative theme is a great idea if the cigar box purse is to be a gift. You may fit the theme to the recipient's favorite hobby, such as stamp collecting or bingo, or you might decorate it with a holiday theme for Christmas or Mother's Day.
  7. This will protect your design from scratches and preserve the decorations longer. Allow your cigar box purse to dry thoroughly, according to the directions on the package.
  8. You can line the purse with cloth, felt, or any type of fabric that you like. The lining must be cut � inch (6.25 mm) longer than the box on each side; either measure carefully or place the box on the lining and use it as a template, cutting an extra length of fabric all around. Turn this extra length in to create a hem and use a warm iron to set the hem. You can then sew the hem or secure it with fabric glue. Use craft glue or a craft glue gun to secure the lining inside the box.
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    Can I attach the lining of the purse with Velcro to be able to remove the lining in order wash it when need be?
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    Community Answer
    It is possible to attach a purse lining with Velcro. However, the lining needs to be sufficiently sturdy to survive being pulled out. In addition, the thickness of the Velcro will take up a fair amount of space and can add to the wear and tear of the lining.
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  • You will be able to find many of the items and supplies required at your local craft or hardware store, but dollar stores or thrift stores can also be great sources of crafting materials. With a little creativity and imagination, you can create your own unique cigar box purse.
  • Cigar box purses can be used as actual purses or as storage containers. You might store your favorite recipes in one that has a cooking or kitchen theme, or your playing cards and card supplies in another that has playing cards, poker chips, and similar accessories.
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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 56,196 times.
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Co-authors: 6
Updated: November 14, 2022
Views: 56,196
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  • March Beagle

    March Beagle

    Jul 28, 2021

    "I am now going to follow up on all your information and make some purses and I will follow up with pictures. Thank..." more
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