12 Easy Ways to Make a Small Room Feel Bigger

Image may contain Furniture Couch Cushion Room Living Room Indoors Bed Bedroom Table and Pillow
Photo: Polly Wreford / Courtesy of IKEA

Pint-size bedrooms, narrow hallways, and teeny home office nooks are something city dwellers have become highly accustomed to. For some, these small spaces can be discouraging and lack the wow factor that a grand, sun-drenched living room may have. But for others, the compact spaces present a design challenge that yields some seriously impressive results.

The first step is to edit and declutter; staying organized is key to making the most of your small space. Next comes the real test: how to make it look bigger. For a little inspiration, some of our favorite interior designers and decorators share their top tips.

“One key to making a room feel bigger is having furniture that is the appropriate scale. No need to use a 36-inch-wide armchair when a 26-inch one would do. Apply this to all pieces, including tables, accents, and lighting. Though, of course, wall art can be large scale.”
Hana Getachew, interior designer

“In a small room we like to expand the space to make sure that your eye doesn’t stop moving, and that includes adding interest to the ceiling. If you are blessed with high ceilings and moldings, we suggest you paint or wallpaper the entire ceiling. We love using wallpaper with texture, such as horsehair, for extra richness—Phillip Jeffries #3254, color Roan, is a fave!—or a soft blue paint color like Benjamin Moore’s Cool Breeze #CSP-665—especially in a dining room.”
Kathleen Walsh, interior designer

“Another way to highlight the ceiling and give the illusion of a taller space is to hang your drapery outside of your window. Hanging the drapery rod as close as you can to the ceiling and having the rod extend out 6 to 12 inches on either side not only makes your room look taller, but it also makes your window look bigger.”
Kimberly Winthrop, interior designer, Laurel & Wolf

“Incorporate textures that reflect light, such as shimmery velvets, silk rugs, crystal or Lucite accents, and lacquered furniture. Add lots of lighting and it will amplify the perception of space.”
Donna Hall, interior designer

“Hang an oversize round mirror, the bigger the better. Our rule of thumb is to frame the mirror with at least 9 inches of wall space on all sides. And don’t be afraid to layer things in front.”
Mat Sanders & Brandon Quattrone, interior designers

“Use one oversize piece of art to make a wall feel bigger. About 70 percent of the wall should be covered by the art to make it really impactful so that your eye sees more art than white space.”
Ashley Redmond, interior designer, Decorist

“Another trick of the trade is to hang window coverings at the ceiling line and from wall to wall rather than limiting them to the size of the window. It gives the appearance of a larger/taller space.”
Ken Fulk, interior designer

“Use large mirrors—either an oversize full-length one laid against a wall, or multiple smaller mirrors hung salon-style.”
—Verda De Eskinazis and Tania Kooros, cofounders, Mode Living

“If you choose to hang multiples in a small space, whether that be light fixtures or art, always try for odd numbers. And I usually like to include a mix of sizes in the same color for visual interest. In a larger space you can be more experimental with tone, but sticking with one color or tone really enhances the illusion of space. You can incorporate interesting details by adding various layers of texture or a mix of materials like wood, metal, and glass.”
Jessie Black, interior designer

“Art or photography with a vista or a landscape also acts like a window and gives depth to a wall, bringing the eye visually into another world.”
Anne Hepfer, interior designer

“Paint the walls deep, dark, and delicious so they will tend to recede; we love Benjamin Moore’s Black Bean Soup.”
Vivian Bencich, founding principal, Square Feet Studio

“Add built-in floor-to-ceiling bookshelves. They give the illusion of having a lot of furniture, but are narrower and require less depth.”
Alison Palevsky, interior designer